Hour Description Save & Delete
9:00 Check Email Inbox: Review every email in the inbox and make sure to give immediate response to every one. Remember to separate those you can solve to adjust today's agenda and get the best of time.
10:00 Status with ARG: Daily checkup with the team to manage the pending tasks. Make sure you get last results from the 'importer' and compare its analytics with the databases.
11:00 Status with EXT: Share with the team the results from the 'importer' and assign tasks to correct potential warnings and errors. If there are no tasks, then assign a new database to prepare it for migration.
12:00 Google Search Console: Review the warnings and errors from the console. Start solving those with faster solutions and separate the more complex for the internal team.
13:00 Advertisement: Make sure the publicity is available for all the websites, for WEB and AMP versions. Review the Units, positions, and sizes. If a space is empty, send a message to the team to solve the problem.
14:00 Work Time: Now it's time to improve and solve those emails with more complex solutions. Try to make a plan, solve them if possible and make sure you separate those tasks you need to solve individually from those with a collaborative approach. Eat something!!!.
15:00 Enter text...
16:00 Send the last emails of the day, and make sure they have all the possible information. Leave no room for doubt.
17:00 Go home and drive safe :D
18:00 BOOTCAMP: The best part of the day. Ask questions, even if the question seems dumb. Get the best of time. DON'T THINK ABOUT WORK!
19:00 Enter text...
20:00 Enter text...
21:00 Enter text...
22:00 STUDY: Spend time for yourself, you need to study and/or solve the homework.